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Showing posts from November, 2018

Magazine - InDesign

InDesign is used to design and create magazine layouts and other documents meant for printing like posters, leaflets etc... it has specific settings for a printing project, like bleed settings and text columns. Whilst researching some form of artworks for InDesign I happened upon the Behance account of Ivan Kolygin I really liked his design of his Art and Design magazine called Single. I liked his choice of colours and the way he distributed his layout. so I decided to try and replicate it, albeit without copying his design exactly. Figure 1: Front Page (Behance) Figure 2: Layout (Behance) Figure 3: Layout 2 (Behance) I looked for a tutorial on designing magazines on InDesign, it was mainly for the techniques used and the tools necessary rather than the 'how to' of designing itself. I started working on my magazine which I decided to do on Vintage photography. I chose some of my photos to include in the magazine and started browsing for fonts that I tho...

Still Water Bottle - Illustrator

Illustrator is used to create vectors, which can vary, from logos to digital painting to creating fonts and assets. the fact that it works in vector means that the images created in  Illustrator are idefinetely resizeable since they aren't made of pixels. I didn't really know what I wanted to do with Illustrator, however during my research I happened upon a video describing a way to convert photographs into vectorised images.  Through this I was inspired to research some Pop Art and was inspired by some of Andy Warhol's work. Figure 1: Marilyn Monroe (Andy Warhol) I found the concept quite interesting and decided to try it out. I found I could potentially create something quite interesting using this technique. I tried doing some experiments using it. I started by importing some images that I had taken and using the Image Trace tool, experimenting with its settings and seeing what results it yielded. Figure 2: Original Photo (Original Source) Figure 3: Ima...

Spotlight Moon - Photoshop

Photoshop is mainly used to photo manipulation and composites. Many people use  it for photo editing and colour correction. While researching photo manipulation I found myself surrounded by a myriad of artworks and artists and didn't know what I really wanted to do. After some time browsing, I found an artist who made surrealistic landscapes and found his work to be quite interesting and beautiful, his name is Justin Peters. Figure 1: Melting Moon (Justin Peters) The artworks that really inspired me were his artworks involving Universe and the Moon, I found that he had an interesting take on the possibilities that the human mind can imagine. Figure 2: Galaxy Eye (Justin Peters) Eventually I decided to try something myself using photoshop. I chose three photos that I took myself, a photo of the moon, a spotlight and Mount Etna. I started imagining and brainstorming in what way I could use these images together to create an  image that conveys some sort of meaning. ...

The Glitch Logo - Premier/After Effects

Premier is used to edit videos and after effects can be used to create animations as well as editing videos and images and creating effects on them. both are used to create a moving image. For the Premier/AfterEffects part of my assignment, I started researching some videos of glitch effects, through my research I happened upon a video of the logo from WatchDogs™. I really liked how it looked and wanted to replicate it, so I started researching the designer who made it. During my research I found a website discussing the graphic design of the game in which I found a link to the designer's Behance page  Alexander Karpazis. Through his page I found out that he uses a multitude of programs for his work, but that he specifically uses After effects for animating his designs. Having found my inspiration, I started looking up tutorials on how to achieve the result of the glitching logo and decided to try it myself. I started by creating a simple logo that I named after a ficti...