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Showing posts from January, 2019

Int Min Int - Intro

Since the intro was supposed ti be be inspired by the poster we created earlier, I started working on the the elemenst of the poster that I wanted to include in the intro. After having decided what to include and exclude I drafted a storyboard with some of the ideas that I had in mind. Figure 1: StoryBoard (Original Source) I started adding the assets and animating them according to the Storyboard above. Figure 2: Process 1 (Original Source) Figure 3: Process 2 (Original Source) FIgure 4: Process 3 (OriginalSource) Figure 5: Process 4 (Original Source) Figure 6: Process 5 (Original Source) I added some videos that I took in Valletta to make the animation longer and to include some real footage.  eventually I added the music which I found through Youtube's sound archive after searchinf for a long while for the perfect track. the music was added using premier after I exported the video from Aftereffects.